Additions & Remodels
Need to expand or update your home?
Better By Design LLC will help you with that too. Unfortunately, we will only be able to assist you if you are in our local area because the first step is to meet at your home to find out what the existing structure is like. We’ll need to get exact dimensions and details of your existing home so that we can correctly draw the plans for any remodel or addition you desire. A one-time Site Visit fee of $250 will be collected when we visit your jobsite within 25 miles of our office.
Once we take measurements and pictures of your existing home, and you tell us about the modifications and additions you envision, we’re ready to begin work on your plans. If at that time, you’re ready for us to proceed, you’ll be asked to sign a Work Order and we’ll get started.
To give you an idea of what the total cost may be, we took an average of the last 50 remodel and addition jobs we have done. You can plan on approximately $700 to $1000 for most remodel and addition plans. When we meet you onsite we’ll be able to give you a more accurate estimate.
For remodel / addition plans you’ll be charged an hourly fee of $125 for drafting time. When your first draft is ready, and for each revision, we’ll ask that you pay for the drafting time up to date.